
Showing posts from May, 2017

Alphabetical List - T

Tall oaks grow from little acorns. Great things may come from small beginnings. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Children resemble their parents. The best advice is found on the pillow. A good night's sleep may help us find an answer to our problem. The best things in life are free. You don't have to pay for what is important: happiness, friendship, good health. The darkest hour is just before dawn. The most difficult moment is just before a problem is solved. The devil looks after his own. Success comes to those who deserve it least. The devil makes work for idle hands. People who have no work, or are idle, often get into trouble. The die is cast. A decision has been made and it is impossible to change it. The early bird catches the worm. Act early, or before anyone else, if you want to have an advantage or be successful. The end justifies the means. Wrong or unfair methods may be used if the result of the action is good. The first step is the hardest. The most di

Alphabetical List - R

Revenge is sweet. There is satisfaction in returning an injury. (A) rising tide lifts all boats. Refers to something that will be helpful to all. (The) road to hell is paved with good intentions. It is not enough to intend to do something, you must actually do it. (A) rolling stone gathers no moss If a person keeps moving from place to place, they gain neither friends nor possessions. Another interpretation is that, by moving often, one avoids being tied down! Rome was not built in a day. It takes time to a job properly.  You should not expect to do it quickly. (A) rotten apple spoils the barrel. A dishonest or immoral person can have a bad influence on a group. Alphabetical List - S Save me from my friends. Friends can be more dangerous than enemies. Saying is one thing, doing is another. People don't always do what they announce. Short reckonings make long friends. Debts paid quickly encourage friendship. Sickness in the body brings sadness to the mind. Physical suffering can lea

Alphabetical List - P-Q

(The) pen is mightier than the sword. Words and communication have a greater effect than war and fighting. Penny wise, pound foolish. Refers to a person who is careful about spending small amounts of money, but not careful about spending large amounts. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. One should not criticize others for faults similar to one's own and risk retaliation. (A) picture paints a thousand words. A picture is better than a long description. Pity is akin to love. If you begin to feel sorry for someone, you may start to love them. Poverty waits at the gates of idleness. If you do not work, you will not earn any money. Practice makes perfect. Doing something repeatedly is the only way to become good at it. Practice what you preach. Do yourself what you advise others to do. Prevention is better than cure. It is easier to prevent something from happening than to repair the damage or cure the disease later. Pride comes before a fall. Don't be too self

Alphabetical List - O

An) old fox is not easily snared. A person of experience is difficult to fool or manipulate. Once bitten, twice shy. After an unpleasant experience, people are careful to avoid something similar. One father is (worth) more than a hundred schoolmasters. A teacher cannot replace a father. A child is raised by a father and taught by a teacher. One good turn deserves another. You should be helpful to someone who helps you. One of these days is none of these days. Until a date is set, 'one of these days' remains a vague promise. One today is worth two tomorrows. What you have today is better than what is promised or hoped for. One man's meat is another man's poison. People don't always like the same things. One man's trash is another man's treasure. What is useless to one person could be valuable to another. One swallow doesn't make a summer. A single satisfactory event does not mean that all the others will be as good. (An) onion a day keeps everyone away. A

Alphabetical List - N

Necessity is the mother of invention. The need for something forces people to find a way of obtaining it. Need teaches a plan. Necessity will make you find a solution. Needs must when the devil drives. Sometimes you are compelled to do something that you would rather not do. Never put off till tomorrow what can be done today. Don't postpone until later something you can do now. Never say die. Never give up. Never trouble troubles until troubles trouble you. Don't look for problems in advance; deal with them when they arise. (A) new broom sweeps clean (but the old brush knows all the corners...) A newly-appointed person often makes changes quickly . (A) nod is as good as a wink (to a blind horse/man). A hint or a subtle signal is enough to convey meaning to someone who is ready to understand. Nobody is perfect. It is understandable not to be perfect or to make occasional mistakes. No joy without annoy There is no happiness without clouds. No losers, no winners. If there were no

Alphabetical List - M

Make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Manage to product something good using poor material. Man is the head of the family and woman is the neck that turns the head. No comment! Man proposes, God disposes. Our destiny depends on God's will. (A) man can die but once. If death comes now, you will not have to experience it later. (A) man is as old as he feels himself to be. Your age doesn't matter as long as you are fit and healthy. (A) man is judged by his deeds, not by his words. A person is judged on what he/she actually  does , not on what they  say   they will do. (A) man is known by the company he keeps. A person's character is judged by the type of people with whom they spend their time. Manners make the man. Possibly: a person's manners show their origins. Many a true word is spoken in jest. Even if something is said as a joke it can still be true. Many hands make light work. Sharing work makes the task easier. March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb

Alphabetical List - J-K

Justice delayed is justice denied. If the law is applied too late, there is no justice. Kill one to warn a hundred. Warn many people by punishing a few. Kill not the goose that lays the golden egg. Do not destroy the source of your good fortune. Kindle not a fire you cannot put out. Do not start something that you cannot control; you may fail or cause damage. Kindness begets kindness. If you are kind to someone, they will return your kindness. Knowledge in youth is wisdom in age. What you learn when you are young will be invaluable when your grow old. Knowledge is power. It is easier to make progress or be successful if you are educated or possess a lot of information. Alphabetical List - L Laughter is the best medicine. Laughter makes people feel good. Learn to walk before you run. Don't rush into doing something before you know how to do it. Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere. Education is something that you keep forever. Least said, soonest mended. The

Alphabetical List - I

(An) idle brain is the devil's workshop. When you are busy working you avoid temptation. In times of prosperity friends are plentiful. You have many friends when you have no difficulties. If a camel gets his nose in a tent, his body will follow. If you let something intrusive enter your life, your life will become difficult. If in February there be no rain, 'tis neither good for hay nor grain. Plants and grains will grow badly if there is no rain in early spring. If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will avoid 100 days of sorrow. Avoid regrets by taking the time to think before speaking or acting angrily. If you chase two rabbits, you will not catch either one. If you try to do two things at the same time, you will not succeed in doing either of them. If two ride a horse, one must ride behind. When two people do something together, one will be the leader and the other will be the subordinate. If you want a friend, be a friend. Friendship must be reciprocal. If wishes