Marketing - Sales
Word Meaning after sales service Service that continues after the sale of a product (maintenance, etc.) agent Person or company that acts for another and provides a specified service. B2B e-commerce Business to business e-commerce : use of commercial networks, online product catalogues and other online resources to obtain better prices and reach new customers. B2C e-commerce Business to consumer e-commerce : online sale of goods and services directly to consumers. benchmarking Comparing one's products to those of competitors in order to improve quality and performance. buyer 1) Any person who makes a purchase. 2) A person employed to choose and buy stock for a company. cash refund offer Offer to pay back part of the purchase price of a product to customers who send a "proof of purchase" to the manufacturer. chain store Two or more shops or outlets that have the same owner and sell similar lines of merchandise. client A person who buys services or advice from a lawyer, an...