Commenting trends - useful phrases

  • Increases :
    • a slight/constant/marked/substantial/increase in sales
    • an increase of about/roughly/approximately/in the region of ... %
    • a little over/above what we predicted
    • the recovery/upturn began in (month)
    • an overall increase in ...
    • an upward trend in the demand for ...
    • sales reached record levels / reached a peak in (month)
    • a strong surge in the sales of ...
    • by (month), the figure had risen to ...
    • we predict that sales will soar in the coming year / over the next ... months
  • Decreases :
    • just under our target
    • way below our expectations
    • a slight / notable / significant decrease in ...
    • the downturn began in (month)
    • the situation began to deteriorate in (month)
    • the number has continued to fall
  • Fluctuations :
    • a slow start developed into steady progress in sales
    • an initial upward trend was followed by ...
    • we note slight fluctuations through the year
    • normal seasonal variations are the cause of occasional downward trends
    • sales have been (rather) irregular
    • the level / the rate has been unstable since ...
    • you will note a certain instability in the rate of ...


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