The explanations should help clarify the meaning and use of vocabulary related to travel.

TravelThe word 'travel' is used to talk about going from one place to another.
It can be a verb, a noun or an adjective :
  • Verb :        Paul travels a lot in his job.
  • Noun :       Travel nowadays is faster than before.
  • Adjective : There is a travel agency beside the bank.
TripThe word trip is used to talk about a short journey somewhere for a purpose, business or pleasure.
  • For our wedding anniversary, we went on a trip to Venice.
  • My boss is often away on business trips.
  • During our holiday we took a boat trip to the islands.
JourneyA journey is the distance covered when travelling from one place to another.
'Journey' can refer to a long distance or a short regular one.
  • The journey was long and tiring. It took us 5 hours to get there.
  • Did you have a good journey? Yes, it was quite pleasant.
  • How long is your journey to work? Just about 20 minutes.
TourA tour is a journey during which several places are visited, especially on a holiday.
'Tour' can be a noun or a verb.
  • Noun : We went on a tour of Italy.
  • Verb  We toured the north of India.
VoyageA voyage is a long journey by sea or in space.
  • Before the 20th century, long sea voyages were common.
  • A spacecraft will take you on a voyage through space.


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