Grammar Exercise

Complete the sentences below with an appropriate word. 
       1.      You are welcome to come and stay with us __________ you like.     
       2.       I'd like to speak to __________ is in charge of sales.
       3.      __________ you do, don't forget to call me as soon as you arrive.
       4.      It comes in three colours;  choose __________ you prefer.
        5.      What do you want to do on Saturday?  I don't mind - ___________ you like!
        6.      He always makes friends quickly, ________________ he goes.
        7.      _______________  borrowed the dictionary should return it as quickly as possible.
        8.      The teacher says I don't participate enough, but ____________ I try to speak, someone interrupts me!
        9.      There is no entrance fee; you give __________ you can afford.
        10.    He says he's from Brookstown, ____________ that is.

1) whenever   2) whoever   3) whatever   4) whichever   5) whatever   6) wherever   7) whoever   8) whenever   9) whatever   10) wherever


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