Bored - General Phrases

Being bored means having nothing to do.  When someone is bored, they often call people and try to entertain themselves or try to find something to do with a friend.  So being bored is a good starting point for conversational English.

General Phrases

"I'm dying from boredom."
"I hate being bored."
"I don't have anything to do."
"My life is so boring."
"Life is so boring."
"I'm just watching TV until I find something to do."
"I was bored all weekend."
"I am so bored today."
"I get bored very easily."
"I get bored all the time."

A common place to get bored is when you have to visit family members.

"It's always boring whenever we go to our relatives."
"It's nice to visit my grandmother, but it gets boring after a couple of hours."
"My cousins are so boring.  All they do is watch tv."

"There's nothing to do in the country side.  I'm always bored there."

If you think you are a boring person, here is a way to say that you are boring.

"I think I'm a little boring."
"I'm a boring person."

Boring can be used to describe someone.

"He is a boring person."
"His personality is very boring."
"It's boring whenever she's around."

Using bored to answer a question is very common.  Here are some general questions that someone might ask.

"How was your trip?"
"How was your vacation?"
"How was your weekend?"
"How was the lecture?"
"How was the class?"
"How was the game?"

Any of these types of questions can be answered with a simple answer.

"It was pretty boring."
"It was boring.  I didn't do much."
"It wasn't as fun as I thought.  It was a little boring."
"I was bored most of the time."
"Because it was disorganized, we had too much extra time.  I was bored during our free time."


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