Money - Finance
Word | Meaning |
A.T.M. | Automated Teller Machine; cash dispenser |
banknote | Piece of paper money. |
bitcoin | Digital currency which allows payments to be sent from one party to another without going through a financial institution. |
borrow | Obtain money which must be returned. |
broke (to be) | To have no money. |
budget | Amount of money available or needed for a specific use. |
cash | Coins or bank notes (not cheques); actual money paid, not credit. |
cash dispenser | Automatic machine from which a bank customer can withdraw money. |
cashier | A person dealing with cash transactions in a bank, shop, etc. |
cheque / check | Written order to a pay the stated amount from one's account. |
coin | A piece of metal used as money. |
currency | The money used in a country. |
debt | Money owed by one person to another. |
deposit | Sum or money payable as a first instalment on a purchase; Money placed in an account in a bank. |
donate | Givie money, especially to charity; make a donation. |
exchange rate | The rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another. |
fee | Payment made to a professional person (doctor, lawyer, etc.). |
interest | Money paid for borrowing or investing money. |
invest | To put into a business, property, etc. in order to earn interest or profit. |
legal tender | Currency that cannot legally be refused as payment. |
lend | Give or allow the use of money which must be returned, usually with interest. |
loan | Sum of money to be returned with interest. |
owe | To be in debt to someone; to owe money to somebody. |
petty cash | Small amount of cash available for everyday expenses. |
receipt | Written statement that money has been paid. |
refund | Pay back money received; reimburse. |
tip | Small sum of money given to a waiter, taxi driver, tec. |
withdraw | Take money from a bank account. |
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