Money - Finance



A.T.M.Automated Teller Machine;  cash dispenser
banknotePiece of paper money.
bitcoinDigital currency which allows payments to be sent from one party to another without going through a financial institution.
borrowObtain money which must be returned.
broke  (to be)To have no money.
budgetAmount of money available or needed for a specific use.
cashCoins or bank notes (not cheques);  actual money paid, not credit.
cash dispenserAutomatic machine from which a bank customer can withdraw money.
cashierA person dealing with cash transactions in a bank, shop, etc.
cheque / checkWritten order to a pay the stated amount from one's account.
coinA piece of metal used as money.
currencyThe money used in a country.
debtMoney owed by one person to another.
depositSum  or money payable as a first instalment on a purchase;
Money placed in an account in a bank.
donateGivie money, especially to charity;  make a donation.
exchange rateThe rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another.
feePayment made to a professional person (doctor, lawyer, etc.).
interestMoney paid for borrowing or investing money.
investTo put  into a business, property, etc. in order to earn interest or profit.
legal tenderCurrency that cannot legally be refused as payment.
lendGive or allow the use of money which must be returned, usually with interest.
loanSum of money to be returned with interest.
oweTo be in debt to someone;  to owe money to somebody.
petty cashSmall amount of cash available for everyday expenses.
receiptWritten statement that money has been paid.
refundPay back money received;  reimburse.
tipSmall sum of money given to a waiter, taxi driver, tec.
withdrawTake money from a bank account.


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