Facts speak louder than words | People show what they are really like by what they do, rather than by what they say. |
Failure teaches success. | People can learn from their failures and be successful later on. |
Fair exchange is no robbery | Swapping two items of equal value is an honest deal. |
False friends are worse than open enemies. | It's better to know who your real enemies are rather than trust someone who pretends to be a friend but is capable of stabbing you in the back. |
Familiarity breeds contempt | Knowing someone very well can lead to a lack of respect for them. |
(A) fault confessed is half redressed. | Confession is the beginning of forgiveness. |
Fear lends wings | Fear makes you do things faster than would normally seem possible. |
Fine words butter no parsnips | No amount of talking can replace action. |
First come, first served. | The first person in the line will be attended to first. |
(The) first step is the hardest. | The most difficult part of an action is the beginning. |
(A) flower blooms more than once. | If you miss an occasion, you can avail yourself of it another time. |
(A) fly will not get into a closed mouth. | If you learn when to keep silent you will avoid trouble. |
(A) fool and his money are (soon) easily parted. | A foolish person usually spends money carelessly. |
(A) fool at forty is a fool forever. | If a person hasn't matured by the age of 40, they never will. |
Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. | One should learn from one's mistakes. |
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. | Inexperienced people become involved in situations that more intelligent people would avoid. |
Forbidden fruit is sweet. | What you cannot have is what is always the most desirable. |
(A) friend in need is a friend indeed. | Someone who helps you when you are in trouble is a real friend. |
(A) friend to all is a friend to none. | Someone who is a friend to everyone makes none of them feel special. |
(A) friend's eye is a good mirror. | A real friend will tell you the truth. |
Friendship is like money, easier made than kept. | Effort is necessary to keep a friendship alive. |
Friendship is love with understanding. | A friend is more tolerant than a lover/partner/spouse? |
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