Alphabetical List - G

Gardens are not made by sitting in the shade.Nothing is achieved without effort.
Give someone an inch and they will take a mile (or yard)Give someone a little and they will want more - some people are never satisfied.
Give someone enough rope and they will hang themselves.Give someone enough time and freedom and they will get into trouble.
God helps those who help themselves.Success comes to those who make a real effort to achieve it.
Good accounting makes good friends.You will keep your friends if you avoid disputes over money.
Good and quickly seldom meet.A well-done job takes time.
(A) good beginning makes a good end.If a task is carefully planned, there's a better chance that it will be well done.
(A) good conscience is a soft pillow.You sleep well when you have nothing to feel guilty about.
(A) good mind possesses a kingdom.Intellectual assets are more valuable than material ones.
(A) good name is better than a good face.A good reputation is better than a good appearance.
Good management is better than good income.Income can be lost if it is used carelessly.
Grasp all, lose all.Trying to obtain everything will often result in gaining nothing.
Great minds think alike.Intelligent people very often have the same idea at the same time.
Great oaks grow from small acorns.Large successful operations can begin in a small way.
Grief divided is made lighter.If you share your grief, it will be easier to bear.
(A) growing youth has a wolf in his belly.Young boys eat a lot / are often hungry.
(A) guilty conscience needs no accuser.If you know that you have done something wrong, you don't need anyone to tell you that you're guilty.


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