English Proverbs & Sayings

A lender nor borrower be.Do not lend or borrow money.
A leopard cannot change its spots.It is impossible for a bad or unpleasant person to become good or pleasant.
A lie begets a lie.Telling one lie will lead you to tell another one.
A little fire is quickly trodden out.If you deal with a minor problem quickly, it will not become a major issue.
A little of what you fancy does you good.It's ok to give into a little temptation occasionally.
A loaded wagon makes no noise.Really wealthy people do not talk about money.
A loveless life is living death.Without affection, life is difficult.
A man can die but once.If death comes now, you will not have to experience it later.
A man is as old as he feels himself to be.Your age doesn't matter as long as you are fit and healthy.
A man is judged by his deeds, not by his words.A person is judged on what he/she actually does, not on what they say they will do.
A man is known by the company he keeps.A person's character is judged by the type of people with whom they spend their time.
A monkey in silk is a monkey no less.No matter how someone dresses, it's the same person underneath.
A new broom sweeps clean (but the old brush knows all the corners...)A newly-appointed person often makes changes quickly .
A nod is as good as a wink (to a blind horse/man).A hint or a subtle signal is enough to convey meaning to someone who is ready to understand.
A picture paints a thousand words.A picture is better than a long description.
A problem shared is a problem halved.
(Also : A worry shared is a worry halved.)
It is easier to deal with a problem when you discuss it with someone.
A rising tide lifts all boats.Refers to something that will be helpful to all.
A rolling stone gathers no mossIf a person keeps moving from place to place, they gain neither friends nor possessions.
Another interpretation is that, by moving often, one avoids being tied down!
A rotten apple spoils the barrel.A dishonest or immoral person can have a bad influence on a group.
A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.Overcoming adversity leads to competence.
A soft answer turneth away wrath.If your reply is polite and tactful you will avoid anger.
A stitch in time saves nine.If you deal with a problem at an early stage you will save time and prevent it from getting worse.
A stumble may prevent a fall.Correcting a small mistake may help you to avoid making a bigger one.
A swallow does not make the summer.One good event does not mean that everything is alright.
A tidy house holds a bored womanIf a house is always tidy, the owner (woman) has nothing but housework to occupy her time.
A watched pot never boils.If you wait anxiously for something to happen, it seems to take a long time.
A wise head keeps a still tongueAn intelligent person knows when to stay silent.
A wonder lasts but nine daysThe effects of an amazing or stirring event last only nine days; after that, life goes on as before.
A young idler, an old beggar.If you don't work, you won't have any money when you're old.
Absence is the mother of disillusionA period of absence may eenable you to see people in a truer but less favourable light.
Absence makes the heart grow fonderWhen you are away from someone you love, you love them even more.


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