Adverbs of Time

Some adverbs tell us when something happened or will happen.
These include:afterwards, later, now, soon, yesterday etc.
For example:-
Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away. - In this sentence yesterday shows us when the singers troubles seemed so far away..
Other adverbs of time include:-
Saturday, Sunday ...I am going to the shops on Monday.
TodayI've been to the shops today.
YesterdayI went yesterday.
Next week/month/yearI am going next week.
Last week/month/yearI went last year.
FinallyI finally went.
EventuallyI eventually went to the shops.
AlreadyI've already been to the shops.
SoonI'm going to the shops soon.
JustI'm just going to the shops.
StillI'm still at the shops.

Superlative form of Adverbs

The superlative form of an adverb is used to say what thing or person does something to the greater degree within a group or of its kind. Superlatives can be preceded by 'the'. In general the superlative forms of adverbs are the same as for superlative forms of adjectives.
The rule for forming the superlative of an adverb is if it has the same form as an adjective add the suffix -est to the end.

For example:-
  • fast - "Jill ran the fastest."
When an adverb ends in -ly, most is put in front of the adverb.
For example:-
  • Frequently - "Jill did her homework most frequently."
The following irregular adverbs are exceptions:-
  • 'well' becomes 'the best'
  • 'badly' becomes 'the worst'
For example:
  • "Jill did the best in the test."
  • "Jack did the worst in the test."


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