
General Conventions
1. Capitalize the first letter of the first word of each sentence you write.
Too much ketchup spoils the steak.
Why don't you order a hamburger?
2. Capitalize the first letter of proper names and of adjectives derived them.
I thought Lennie was driving.
I've always wanted to visit Nepal.
The English language is like a spaceship.
You have to hand it to Mr. Park.
Special Conventions
1. Capitalize north, south, east, and west and their compounds only when they designate an actual place, not when they point in a direction.
I've always loved the beauty and freedom of the Southwest.
The East is heavily industrialized.
Go west two blocks and then head north.
2. Capitalize the first word of a title of a book, magazine, story, essay, or play; and capitalize all other important words also.
We really enjoyed The Taming of the Shrew.
I want to renew my subscription to Ebony.
Have you ever read "A Good Man Is Hard to Find"?
3. Capitalize the official title of a person when you use it with the person's name.
This award goes to Major Burckhardt.
I voted for Senator Wurgel.
You can get away with it if you're a general.
4. Capitalize the names of months and of days of the week.
I'll be going on Tuesday, November 23.


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