Past Perfect Simple

Past Perfect Simple
AffirmativeShe had won.
NegativeShe had not won.
InterrogativeHad she won?
Formhad + past participle (past participle of regular verbs: verb + ed | Past participle of irregular verbs: forms differ and should be learned by heart. This is a list of irregular verbs)
  • action taking place before a certain time in the past
  • sometimes interchangeable with past perfect progressive
  • putting emphasis only on the fact (not the duration)
Past Perfect Progressive
AffirmativeHe had been waiting.
NegativeHe had not been waiting.
InterrogativeHad he been waiting?
Formhad + been + verb + ing
  • action taking place before a certain time in the past
  • sometimes interchangeable with past perfect simple
  • putting emphasis on the duration or course of an action
Future Simple
AffirmativeI will open the door.
NegativeI will not open the door.
InterrogativeWill you open the door?
Formwill + verb
  • We use the simple future for instant decisions.
  • We use the simple future when we predict a future situation
  • We use the simple future in conditional sentences type one. (More on conditional sentences here)
Future Plan
(going to)
AffirmativeHe is going to clean the car.
NegativeHe is not going to clean the car.
InterrogativeIs he going to clean the car?
Formto be (in the simple present) + going + to + verb
  • to express the future when we intend to do something or have decided to do something but did not arrange it. It is just an intention.
  • predictions in the future
Future Plan
(Present Progressive)
AffirmativeHe is traveling to Egypt next week.
NegativeHe is not traveling to Egypt next week.
InterrogativeIs he traveling to Egypt next week?
Formto be (in the simple present) + verb + ing
  • when we say what we have planned and arranged to do at a specific time in the future. These are fixed plans with definite time and/or place.
Future  Progressive
AffirmativeShe will be listening to music.
NegativeShe will not be listening to music.
InterrogativeWill she be listening to music?
Formwill + be + verb + ing
  • action that is going on at a certain time in the future
  • action that is sure to happen in the near future
Future Perfect
AffirmativeHe will have spoken.
NegativeHe will not have spoken.
InterrogativeWill he have spoken?
Formwill + have + past participle (past participle of regular verbs: verb + ed | Past participle of irregular verbs: forms differ and should be learned by heart. This is a list of irregular verbs)
  • action that will be finished at a certain time in the future
Future Perfect Progressive
AffirmativeYou will have been studying.
NegativeYou will not have been studying.
InterrogativeWill you have been studying?
Formwill + have + been + verb + ing
  • action taking place before a certain time in the future
  • putting emphasis on the course of an action


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