Review of English tenses

Simple Present
AffirmativeShe drinks.
NegativeShe does not drink.
InterrogativeDoes she drink?
FormI, you we they play | he, she, it plays
  • action in the present taking place once, never or several times
  • facts
  • actions taking place one after another
  • action set by a timetable or schedule
Present Progressive
AffirmativeHe is reading.
NegativeHe is not reading.
InterrogativeIs he reading?
FormTo be (in the simple present) + verb + ing
  • action taking place at the moment of speaking
  • action arranged for the future
Simple Past
AffirmativeI cried.
NegativeI did not cry
InterrogativeDid I cry?
FormRegular verbs: Verb + ed | Irregular verbs: forms differ and should be learned by heart. This is a list of irregular verbs
  • action in the past taking place once, never or several times
  • actions taking place one after another
Past Progressive
AffirmativeHe was driving.
NegativeHe was not driving.
InterrogativeWas he driving?
Formto be (in the simple past) + verb + ing
  • action going on at a certain time in the past
  • actions taking place at the same time
  • action in the past that is interrupted by another action
Present Perfect Simple
AffirmativeThey have slept.
NegativeThey have not slept.
InterrogativeHave they slept?
FormHave / has + past participle (past participle of regular verbs: verb + ed | Past participle of irregular verbs: forms differ and should be learned by heart. This is a list of irregular verbs)
  • emphasis is on the result (not the duration)
  • action that started in the past & is still going on
  • action that stopped recently
  • finished action that has an influence on the present
Present Perfect Progressive
AffirmativeHe has been thinking.
NegativeHe has not been thinking.
InterrogativeHas he been thinking?
Formhave or has + been + verb + ing
  • putting emphasis on the course or duration (not the result)
  • action that recently stopped or is still going on
  • finished action that influenced the present


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