Basic English Phrases

These first eight phrases can be used in many different situations.

1. Thanks so much.

This is a simple sentence you can use to thank someone.
To add detail, say:
Thanks so much + for + [noun] / [-ing verb].
For example:
Thanks so much for the birthday money.
Thanks so much for driving me home.

2. I really appreciate…

You can also use this phrase to thank someone. For example, you might say:
I really appreciate your help.
Or you can combine #1 and #2:
Thanks so much for cooking dinner. I really appreciate it.
Thanks so much. I really appreciate you cooking dinner.

3. Excuse me.

When you need to get through but there’s someone blocking your way, say “Excuse me.”
You can also say this phrase to politely get someone’s attention. For example:
Excuse me sir, you dropped your wallet.
Excuse me, do you know what time it is?

4. I’m sorry.

Use this phrase to apologize, whether for something big or small. Use “for” to give more detail. For example:
I’m sorry for being so late.
I’m sorry for the mess. I wasn’t expecting anyone today.
You can use “really” to show you’re very sorry for something:
I’m really sorry I didn’t invite you to the party.

5. What do you think?

When you want to hear someone’s opinion on a topic, use this question.
I’m not sure if we should paint the room yellow or blue. What do you think?

6. How does that sound?

If you suggest an idea or plan, use this phrase to find out what others think.
We could have dinner at 6, and then go to a movie. How does that sound?
Let’s hire a band to play music, and Brent can photograph the event. How does that sound?

7. That sounds great.

If you like an idea, you can respond to #6 with this phrase. “Great” can be replaced with any synonym, such as “awesome,” “perfect,” “excellent” or “fantastic.”
A: My mom is baking cookies this afternoon. We could go to my house and eat some. How does that sound?

B: That sounds fantastic!

8. (Oh) never mind.

Let’s say someone doesn’t understand an idea you’re trying to explain. If you’ve explained it over and over and want to stop, just say “oh, never mind.” You can now talk about something else!
You can also use “never mind” to mean “it doesn’t matter” or “just forget it.” In these situations, say it with a smile and positive tone, though. Otherwise, when you say this phrase slowly with a falling low tone, it can mean you’re bothered or upset.

A: Are you going to the grocery store today?

B: No, I’m not. But why—do you need something?
A: Oh, never mind. It’s okay, I’ll go tomorrow.


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